地点:澳大利亚 发布时间:2013-09-23 15:22:45
The appointee will join the School of Chemistry as a Postdoctoral Fellow, to undertake research within the O’Hair group.
The appointee’s research will explore organometallic formation and reactivity via metal mediated decarboxylation. The appointee will use mass spectrometry and computational chemistry to investigate the mechanisms involved in these transformations.
Salary is to be supported via an ARC Discovery Grant. The appointee will work both independently and in a team setting led by Prof. Richard O’Hair (rohair@unimelb.edu.au) and Dr. George Khairallah (gkhai@unimelb.edu.au) to contribute to the objectives of the project. In addition, the appointee will report results in refereed publications and in oral presentations, and be involved in collaborative interactions with other research groups.

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